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Flooring Solutions in the Coastal Empire

Top-Quality Concrete Flooring Products & Services

Do you want to increase your concrete floors’ visual appeal and resistance to scratches and other harmful elements? Fortress Floors GA offers residents in Coastal Empire effective flooring solutions to protect and enhance the floors in their garages, porches, patios, pool decks, and more. Our proprietary coating system is 100% ultraviolet (UV)-stable, making it an ideal option for indoor and outdoor concrete floors. We provide one-day floors with quick and efficient work at the area’s best pricing for our services. You can apply this beneficial and attractive flooring option on a variety of concrete surfaces. Our polyurea and polyaspartic floors are six times stronger than epoxy.

Why Choose Fortress Floors GA

We started our business with the idea there is a better solution to concrete flooring that protects it against damage from vehicles, lawnmowers, and other machinery and elements with which it comes into contact. Fortress Floors GA has found the perfect floor coating process to keep your concrete floors looking great with long-lasting results. The chemicals we use in the coating process are the same people use on aircraft hangar floors for chemical and slip resistance. Aaron is in charge of our company, and he wants to provide residential properties with the most durable garage and outdoor floor coverings because he is passionate about customer satisfaction and builds relationships with all our clients.

Proud Members of the Pooler Chamber

Benefits of Getting Decorative Concrete

Besides its visual beauty and appeal, decorative concrete provides homeowners with various advantages to preserve their home’s value and safeguard it against damage. Our team’s training and experience ensure thorough and timely floor coating solutions, resulting in an attractive floor that lasts for years. Some common benefits of our decorative concrete floors include the following:

Low Maintenance

Keeping your new decorative flooring clean is easy. The coating is non-porous, and oil, liquids, and other harmful substances cannot get through it.

One-Day Installation

We will not disrupt your daily life when we apply your floor coatings. The entire process takes one day, from prepping the floor to finishing the coating application.


This coating is easy on your feet, and unlike regular concrete floors, it is not slippery. You have traction even when your floor is wet.


We use polyurea and polyaspartic floor coating, which is six times stronger than an epoxy coating. This durability provides years of beautiful flooring.

Fortress Floors GA

Pooler, GA


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM